On- Line Payment Information for Directors
We are happy that you have decided to use our on-line payment portal. It is easy to navigate for your participants and saves you from collecting payments.
Below is some information that may be of assistance to you:
All participants must use the on-line portal to register.
We do not accept cash or personal check.
For your participants that are reluctant to give bank information or credit card information on-line (or may not have a bank account or credit card), they can get a Prepaid Reloadable Personal Debit Card from various retail locations (such as grocery stores and drug stores), from some banks and credit unions, and on-line. They can use this card to register and pay future payments.
Participants without internet access can ask a friend or family member to help register them or they can use the local library.
If all else fails, and you feel like you need to accept cash or personal checks – this might work for you:
We will send you a form to collect all the information you will need to register the participant. You collect the cash and checks and deposit them into a school or booster account. You (or your boosters) then use the information you have collected to register the participants paying with a direct transfer from that bank account.
We would recommend if you collect payments, you collect the full trip price. This way you or your boosters will only have to do this procedure once instead of each time a payment is due. This may not work for large trips.
You should let the participants know that this way of registering may hurt their chances of getting to participate in the trip if the trip fills up quickly. For example, if someone hands in a registration form on Friday but the director or booster does not get it until Monday…people signing up on-line over the weekend may fill up the spots.
We can give the Directors access to the portal to monitor the sign up.
If you are having fund raisers, you can send a check made out to Thornapple Travel LLC with a breakdown of the amount that will go to each participant. We will enter the amount in their payment portal – the amount will be applied to their next payment.
Karen Hoffman